Monday, November 1, 2010

Watchout Bird, I’m Gonna Eat You..

I‘ve really developed my inherent Jew skills since I’ve been living in Brooklyn making the most of my measly salary by finding cheap deals and going to free events around the city. Having Trader Joe’s just 5 blocks away has made this feat incredibly easy for me. It had been a couple weeks since I had strolled over. It was a lovely autumn evening so I grabbed my canvas bags and headed up the street creating a shopping list in my head I would instantly forget when I walked through the doors and headed straight for the cheese Isle. After starring at a chunk of Saint André for too long and deciding I could go without this week, I mosey around the corner to the meat and veggie display. I grab my lettuce and broccoli and find myself starring at the sausage and remembering my Jewish Mother sent me back from California with a Costco stash of Aidell's Chicken Apple Sausage just a few weeks earlier. I contemplate going over to the frozen food section and grabbing a bag of chicken breasts when my eye falls upon a lovely display of plump little whole chickens ready for the roasting. I think to myself, 'why only grab some breast when you can get some thigh and wing". After continuing my rounds I stumble home with my overflowing bags and get ready to cook for the week.

The thought of cooking a whole chicken can be intimidating, but if you aren't squeamish about the fact that you're eating an animal, there is really nothing to be afraid of. I unwrapped my little friend and placed it in a pan. After pulling out the gizzards that are neatly wrapped in a paper sack (thank you food processors), I start to flavor my bird with goodness. First, yes Julia Childs, that is correct, BUTTER! I cut up a couple tablespoons and stick it inside, on top and around the chicken, even under the skin. I throw on some salt, black pepper, thyme and dried basil and massage it into the hide. I decide I want this to be wonderfully juicy so I chop up some onions and garlic and stuff them in the gizzard hole. I top it off with some of the apples that are still plentiful from apple picking by slicing them up and placing them in and around my once feathery friend. As a finishing touch I sprinkle some olive oil over her for a nice little shine and throw her in the oven at 350 - 400 degrees. While she roasts for about 1.5 hours I ready some couscous and steamed broccoli to round out the delicious meal. Side note: basting is key, don't forget to re-juice your bird at least twice while she's cooking.

I pulled her out after cutting in to see if she had lost her pink hue and voilà! Dinner is served. The best part about this roast chicken extravaganza is lunch and dinner for the rest of the week are taken care of in the form of sandwiches, salads and any chicken dinner combo that might tickle your fancy. My belly will be ecstatic while I sit with Won-ton as we watch the Giants win the World Series. HOLLER!


  1. Dear Pork Bun,

    I appreciate your enthusiasm. Sadly I was over eager about eating my chicken and forgot to photograph beforehand, as is usually the case (us Jews do not have the culinary photography skills of your people). I will do better next time. For now, use your imagination.


  2. I want to go to this Isle of cheese you speak of.

  3. Its a happy happy place, a jet of land made entirely of cheese.. what more could you want?
