Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Moose Bouche - Shout out to Idle

I planned a trip home to California in February in the hopes of skiing for a few days and holding on to a tradition I love. After buying my tickets, my brother announced that I was conveniently going to be back for the kick off dinner of A Moose Bouche, a culinary masterpiece event. The five course meal was held in a secret location disclosed the night before the event. The event was a five course meal, each course paired with one of my brother's wines. My brother is one of three wine makers at Idle Cellars, a small wine label he created a few years back. I am terribly spoiled, his wine is amazing. His experience has truly led me to believe in the hipster motto that "the bigger the mustache, the better the mentor". OK, that's not a real thing, I made it up, but it wouldn't surprise me. The vintner he learned from did have the best mustache I have ever seen.

The event was 'dress to impress' so after getting all done up in my best cocktail dress and heals, we set out for the anonymous location. We arrived at the address given and were directed through a motorcycle garage complete with mechanics waxing down some bikes. After being guided by the man of the hour through a side door we found ourselves in an old Biker bar with three very large dining tables, a bar full of Idle wine and flamenco gitarists in windows above. After greeting friends and being handed a glass of champagne, we sat down to a table where we were presented with some communal plates of grapes on the vine sauteed in olive oil and rosemary couple with a delicious local sheep's milk cheese. The meal went on from there in flawless fashion as described on the idle cellars blog:

I hope I can make it to the next A Moose Bouche event, it was a huge success!

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